FASST fundamentals membership training offers athletes aged 11 to 13 75 minute sessions broken into movement training and strength training. FASST offers 9 sessions through the week. All of our sessions are with a certified sports performance coach at a 12:1 client to trainer ratio and are individualized based on each athlete’s initial evaluation. This is our most popular program because it allows for a large amount of training volume at a competitive price, flexibility with scheduling, and consistency which we know is huge for every athlete to become the best they can be. 

Key facets that makes FASST Fundamentals different:


  • Extensive preparation at the start of every session that develops overall athleticism
  • Plyometric movements to increase power output
  • Variety of movement emphases to develop all aspects of an athlete
  • Focused strength blocks to develop proper lifting form
  • Emphasis on single leg movements and correctives to improve performance and movement quality






  • Fundamentals Unlimited Membership (BEST VALUE) – 165$ Per Month for up to 20 Sessions
  • Fundamentals Limited Membership – 125$ Per Month for up to 8 sessions per month
  • Drop In – 25$ Per Session

Here at FASST we put a large focus on testing. Every athlete is required to complete an evaluation prior to training in any membership class. Athletes are tested on a regular basis and have a full retesting every 2-3 months to ensure that athletes are improving and if any adjustments to their training sessions needs to occur. We believe thoroughly that

"If you ain't testin you guessin"


FASST conducts a mandatory baseline test to determine where the athletes are prior to training with us. This is how we measure an athlete’s progress while training at FASST and ensures the best results!

An athlete will begin the evaluation with a brief warmup followed by an FMS (Functional Movement Screening) to determine any issues with movement quality, mobility, and flexibility. It consists of 7 movements including overhead squat, hurdle step over, inline lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight leg raise, trunk stability push up, and rotary stability. After the FMS the athlete will go through baseline testing which includes broad jump, vertical jump, approach jump (volleyball, basketball, if necessary) 10 yard sprint, 20 yard sprint, and 40 yard sprint, pro agility (5-10-5), and other tests if needed.

The FASST evaluation costs 70$ and can be scheduled for anytime that works for your schedule!


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